Over on Twitter at this very moment (well, okay, the moment I’m writing this) there’s a trending topic called #scariestwordsever.
The idea is simple: write the scariest thing you can think of in 140 characters or less. That’s about the length of a text message. Most people seem to be writing 3-10 words.
My favorite so far: “I love you.”
This little Twitter game could actually be a great way to invent a short, punchy, emotionally loaded phrase for one of your songs. If you take it one step further and list out five or ten of these scary phrases, I bet you’ll have uncovered at least one new song idea.
Your Turn
Post the scariest words you can think of to the comments below. And please feel free to repost this meme to your own blog, a Facebook note, or whatever you like—if it’s easier on you, just copy and paste the text of this post.
Okay! In 140 characters or less: what are the scariest words you can think of?
P.S. I do have a Twitter account where I post short, succinct songwriting tips—you can follow me by clicking here.
From Tom Waits: “Smoke has blackened out the sun/At night I pray and clean my gun.”
A handful, my comments on ’em in brackets:
– You can’t put your guitar in the overhead, you’ll have to check it.
– Please call your doctor back.
– I don’t know how to tell you this [but @#$@ if they don’t they always find some @#$@ way of saying it anyhow!?]
– The reattachment surgery doesn’t seem to have worked…
– [followed by] it’s not a mouse, it’s a rat.
– You only dreamt Obama won.
Nice, Ruth.