Behind every masterpiece, there's a mess - so here's a technique that will help even the worst perfectionists cut loose and make a mess. …
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Songwriting tips, techniques, and ideas
Behind every masterpiece, there's a mess - so here's a technique that will help even the worst perfectionists cut loose and make a mess. …
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Every songwriting book I’ve ever read recommends that songwriters keep an idea file, which is simply a notebook or folder full of lyric ideas and loose ends. For years, I’ve dutifully kept such a …
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This article is third in a series: feel free to read it on its own, or to go back and begin with "Sensory Songwriting Part 1: How to Write Lyrics that Capture Your Audience's Imagination." “Nothing …
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In songwriting--and the rest of life--boredom and ruts are produced by the lack of fresh, unique experience. Ever had somebody in your life who rearranges the furniture every month? This is how some …
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