Work on your art. Often. That’s the only way.
If you’re like me, you’ll easily be able to provide half a dozen reasons why you can’t work on your art today. Most of these excuses are just symptoms of an underlying fear: fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of not measuring up to the challenge, fear of imperfection, fear of the blank page.
Such fears are perfectly natural and understandable. Ignore them and push on anyway.
If you make a serious commitment to yourself and your art, you must teach yourself to push through these layers of resistance. Give up the habit of bzeing “too tired,” or suffering “writer’s block” (which is really just a mental block), or getting distracted by things that don’t matter, or putting off your art until tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes, and there will never be a good time to write.
Want to be a songwriter? Pick up the guitar. Settle in behind the piano. Open your notebook. Mail out a demo tape. Show up!